Been meaning to post this for a while. I've been using Git for a number of years now and my last two jobs had me using it heavily. I love git and honestly have managed to block the memories of what my life was like when I tried to manage my version control life with Subversion.
We've also been discussing Git a lot in our SDPHP Group. I am not going to get into a long post about the coolness of Git and why you should be using it, that is kind of an old discussion at this point. If you are not using Git nowadays I will assume you (a) Don't want to use Git, (b) Don't have a good enough understanding of Git, (c) Don't know what Git is. If you are in category (c) you are probably not a developer and this will be of no interest to you. If you are in category (a), well then I am sure you have your reasons and they are valid. If you are in category (b) then let me share a few things with you. First are some links to some great resources on how to use Git. These groups know what they are talking about and do a fantastic job explaining things, way better than I could ever do.
Helpful links
- If you a completely new, or new'ish then I strongly suggest starting with Github's tutorial. It covers all the basics and is honestly 90% of what you typically do with Git on a day-to-day basis ->
- Another super simple tutorial which includes links for downloading Git for the various Operating Systems out there ->
- This is a little deeper and more advanced but one you will need to get your head around eventually. A nice article of Git Branching ->
- A very short "How-To" with Git.
- A finally a great interactive site that helps you understand Git Branching which was shared by a member of the SDPHP Group ->
I also have a couple of presentations I can share with you. The first one was by John Congdon (@johncongdon) and was presented to the SDPHP Group at our monthly meetup Downtown back on Sept 11
I also did a smaller presentation to the SDPHP Study Group earlier on Aug 26
I hope you find some of this information helpful and/or useful.